Morris C8 GS Truck
Using two base Dinky toys, the front of the Quad artillery tractor and the load bed of the 1 ton cargo truck and a couple of scratch built and cast parts, this is a representation of the much used general service truck.
Using two base Dinky toys, the front of the Quad artillery tractor and the load bed of the 1 ton cargo truck and a couple of scratch built and cast parts, this is a representation of the much used general service truck.

- The Quad front section has been modified and recast, and there are two castings which make up the cab, seats and mudguards. A small casting is added at the back to take the towing hook.
- The cab tilt is made to match the cargo truck tilt and is removable, the spare wheel sits just behind the cab. The driver is removable and there is space for a passenger.

This GS truck fits in well with the 6 pounder anti tank gun and has a Dinky style tow hook. and of course there is room for the crew in the back.