India Pattern Armoured Carrier (IPAC)
How this model came about is quite strange. I was browsing the internet looking for info on another vehicle when I spotted this unfamiliar (to me) vehicle. I thought it looked similar-ish to the Daimler Dingo, the Dinky Scout Car. But it turned out to be bigger. Then I remembered that the Scout Car was oversize, due to Dinky not sticking to one scale, making the little vehicles bigger, and the larger ones smaller. After all they were just toys!
When I scaled the IPAC down to 1:60 it very nearly matched the wheelbase of the Scout Car. I needed no more prompting. Although several castings were needed to add to the bottom half of the Dingo to make a new and unusual addition to the Dinky Army.
When I scaled the IPAC down to 1:60 it very nearly matched the wheelbase of the Scout Car. I needed no more prompting. Although several castings were needed to add to the bottom half of the Dingo to make a new and unusual addition to the Dinky Army.